Kuwait jobs Wednesday 20-11-2013 Part 2

Kuwait jobs Wednesday 20-11-2013 Part 2

A well-known industrial company is looking for two - three years experienced Marketing Engineer with following conditions:

- Experience in marketing petroleum equipments
- Preparation of marketing presentations
- In depth marketing skills
- Proficiency in spoken and written English
- Valid driving license
- 25-35 years old
- Transferable visa
Apply Instructions for This Job
Apply at Email:info@iatgkw.com Apply instructions for this job 
Fax: 22301381

Bilingual Secretary, Kuwait
Job Title:Bilingual Secretary
 Job Location:  Kuwait
Company: undisclosed
 Date of posting: 20/11/2013 

Requirements: With 6 years of Secretarial/admin Experience .Fluency in spoken and written English is Must

Send CV to: jobsenqkw@gmail.com 

Nurses, Kuwait
Job Title:  Nurses
Job Location:  Kuwait
Company: Undisclosed
 Date of posting: 19/11/2013 
Philippines/Egyptian Nationality
Practical experience in state of Kuwait
Licensed from Ministry of Health
Transferable Residence
Send the CV (including personal photocopy)on the following email:
Salary and benefits will be determined after the personal interview

TGTs (Teaching Staff), Kuwait
Job Title : TGTs (Teaching Staff)

Indian Classical Music 
Physical Education
Job Location: Kuwait
Company : Fahaheel Al Watanieh Indian Private School (Faips)
 Date of posting: 19/11/2013 
In collaboration with Delhi Public School Society. 
India Requires the following Teaching Staff w.e.f. April 2014

Excellent subject knowledge and communication skills.
Post Graduate with B.Ed. and minimum 5 years of Teaching Experience
Best salary In the industry. 
Higher start for deserving candidates.
Excellent working conditions. 
50% fee discount for children. 
Free transport.
Interested candidates may apply immediately within ten days clearly mentioning the post applied for at:

PGTs (Teaching Staff), Kuwait
Job Title : PGTs (Teaching Staff)
Computer Science 
Job Location: Kuwait
Company : Fahaheel Al Watanieh Indian Private School (Faips)
 Date of posting: 19/11/2013 
In collaboration with Delhi Public School Society. 

India Requires the following Teaching Staff w.e.f. April 2014
Excellent subject knowledge and communication skills.
Post Graduate with B.Ed. and minimum 5 years of Teaching Experience
Best salary In the industry. 
Higher start for deserving candidates.
Excellent working conditions. 
50% fee discount for children. 
Free transport.
Interested candidates may apply immediately within ten days clearly mentioning the post applied for at:

شركة كبرى في مجال الذهب و المجوهرات تطلب:- 1-بائعين مجوهرات 2-سكرتير او سكرتيرة تنفيذية يشترط الخبره في كلا الوظيفتين يرجى إرسال السيره الذاتيه على الايميل sabahalattar@Hotmail.Com رقم الفاكس 22478234

مطلوب مروجين من ذكور/ اناث

مطلوب مروجين للجمعيات التعاونية والأسواق المركزية والصالونات، وفق الشروط التالية :
١. خبرة مقبولة في الجمعيات التعاونية والأسوق المركزية والصالونات
٢. رخصة قيادة + سيارة
3. معرفة في استخدام الكمبيوتر

يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية  على ايميل



للاتصال او الاستفسار

عماد علي حسن


Required promoters of the male / female

Required promoters to cooperative societies and supermarkets, salons, according to the following conditions:
1. Acceptable experience in cooperative societies, central Alosouk and saloons
2. Driving license + Car
3. Knowledge in the use of computer

Please send your CV to email


To call or inquiry

Imad Ali Hassan

مطلوب موظفة استقبال اوسكرتيرة   لشركة تدريب  فوراً

- حسنة المظهر .

- تجيد  اللغة الانجليزية

- معرفة تامة بإستخدام الكومبيوتر .

- الاولوية للأخوات الكويتيات او الاخوات البدون او من يجيد اللهجة الكويتية بإتقان

للتواصل يرجى ارسال السيره الذاتية على :



whatsApp 55252224

مطلوب سكرتيرة شركة تجارة عامة براتب وعمولة ت 97324732

مطلوب موظفين حجز تذاكر  من الجنسين ومن العرب والفلبين والباكستانيين والهنود شرط معرفة برامج اميديوس وجاليلو وسيبر

فقط ارسل السيرة الذاتيه على الاميل q8-job@hotmail.com

او تليفون : 22413367

مصصم موديلات سيراميك ( خبرة جيدة في الديجيتال برنتر (الطابعه الرقميه ) + خبرة في تصميم الموديلات اكثر من 7 سنوات
- جرافيك ديزاينر سيراميك ( خبرة جيدة في الديجيتال برنتر (الطابعه الرقمية ) + خبرة في الفوتوشوب
- فنيين مختبرات ( شهادة جامعية في الكيمياء او مايعادلها + خبرة في مختبرات السيراميك اكثر من 5 سنوات
- فني ظبط جودة ( اجادة لغة انجليزية )
-مدير انتاج
- مدير مختبر
ارسال السيرة الذاتيه إلى eldokki_rec@yahoo.com

مطلوب لشركة مواد غذائية كبري موزع مبيعات شرط وجود رخصة قيادة عامة سارية / هاتف: 00 965 2265 5060 او 00 965 2266 2625

مطلوب مستشار قانوي خبرة لا تقل عن 15 سنة + مندوب تنفيذي للعمل بمكتب محامي دوامين  lawyer_manal2005@hotmil.com فاكس: +96522514819 / موبايل: 00 965 9923 0403

مدير مطعم للوجبات الجاهزة

خبرة لا تقل عن 5 سنوات في نفس المجال

مسئول مسئولية مباشرة عن كافة عمليات التشغيل بمطعمة ( نظافة وجودة وخدمة ) بما يحقق المستوى الأمثل فى الأداء والجودة

مسئول عن تحقيق أهداف وخطة الشركة المحددة له ( مبيعات – تكاليف – رضاء الضيوف – الجودة للمنتجات ) .

مسئول عن تطبيق لوائح ونظم وسياسات الشركة الداخلية والخارجية .

مسئول عن إدارة جميع العاملين بالمطعم ورفع مستوى إنتاجيتهم الى الحد الأقصى .

مسئول عن تدريب ومتابعة تدريب جميع العاملين ( جدد – قدامى ) حسب الخطة الموضوعة من إدارة التدريب.

مسئول عن توافر كل الخامات اللازمة للعمليات التشغيلية بكميات تتناسب مع حجم وطبيعة العمل .

مسئول عن توافر الشروط الصحية والمهنية القياسية للعاملين والخامات وأماكن التجهيز والتحضير وأماكن الخدمة للضيوف خارجية او داخلية .

مسئول عن متابعة صيانة واصلاح جميع المعدات المستخدمة فى التحضير والتجهيز والخدمة بالتنسيق مع الادارة الهندسية .

مسئول عن تقديم التقارير المطلوبة ( يومية – أسبوعية – شهرية – سنوية ) او التى تطلب منة لمعاونة الإدارات الأخرى لسرعة اتخاذ القرار فى مواعيدها المحددة بالضبط او حسب توقيت طلبها .

مسئول عن حل اى مشاكل للعملاء بالطريقة الصحيحة .

مسئول عن إبلاغ مديرة بكل التفاصيل الإدارية والتشغيلية ليوم العمل اذا طلب منة .

مسئول عن خلق روح الاهتمام فى الساعات الحرجة لدى العاملين .

ترسل السيرة الذاتية إلى: basmamoustafa@senyar-int.com

مطلوب مسؤول عقار
خبرة لا تقل عن 7 سنوات في متابعة الأعمال العقارية بما فيها متابعة تحصيل الإيجارات وصيانة العقار وقضايا المؤجرين 
يتميز بالأمانة والإخلاص والقدرة على تحمل ضغط العمل 
خبرة في تنسيق الأعمال والمتابعة بين المستأجرين ومالك العقار 
لديه رخصة قيادة صالحة وسيارة
إجادة استخدام الكمبيوتر وتقديم تقارير الشؤون العقارية للمالك
يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية على فاكس رقم : 22474714

مطلوب سمسار عقار لمكتب عقاري بالفحيحيل للأستفسار : 98817375

مطلوب مندوب عقاري لشركه عقاريه بالفحيحيل شرط ان يكون لديه خبره للاستفسار 98817375/23929413

امين مخزن(120 دينار)فني إنذار حريق(110دينار)فني مصاعد(130 دينار)مراقب ميكانيك(160 دينار)فني طلمبات(100 دينار)مراقب صحى(160 دينار)فنى تنقيه مياه(120دينار)مراقب مدني(200 دينار)فني ديكور(130 دينار)

يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية الى


مستشفى كبرى بالكويت تطلب :
1 - أستشارية نساء وتوليد خبرة 5 أعوام بعد الدكتوراه
2 - أستشارية جلدية ... خبرة 5 أعوام بعد الدكتوراه
الراتب يحدد حسب الخبرات
يرجى أرسال السيرة الذاتية + المؤهل + شهادات الخبرة وكتابة المهنة فى العنوان عند الأرسال لتمييز السيرة الذاتية


مطلوب مندوب شئون وجوزات للعمل بشركة تاكسي لدية سيارة معاش 250 دينار كويتي لايهم الخبرة اﻻتصال علي 69992637

مطلوب لشركة معادن كبرى - موظفين مبيعات - مسوقين خارجيين - موظفين خدمة عملاء - محاسب الشروط اقامة قابلة للتحويل لديه خبره لاتقل عن 3 سنوات لديه اللباقة وفن الاقناع وجود رخصة قيادة + سيارة للاستفسار الاتصال على او ارسال السيرة الذاتية باللغة العربية​ / يرجى الإتصال بين 9 صباحاً و 9 مساءً - موبايل: 00 965 555 04424

مطلوب بائعه عربية لمحل منتجات تجميل في السالمية السن لا يزيد عن 35 سنة ولايشترط الخبرة والمؤهل / موبايل: 00 965 9911 5331

شركة كبرى تطلب فني كهرباء شرط الخبرة وكذالك مهندس شبكات اختصاص شبكات الالياف الضوئية من جميع الجنسيات شرط من داخل الكويت 

للتواصل masilint@hotmail.com

شركه كبري في مجال اللالكترونيات حاجتها لمندوبين من الجنسين للعمل كمندوبين تسويق براتب + عموله + حوافز الشروط الواحب توفرها ان يكون من داخل دولة الكويت العمر لا يتعدي 30 حسن او حسنة المظهر رخصة قياده كويتيه + سياره متكلم او متكلمه جيده متحمس للعمل ونشي برجاء ارسال رساله علي الوتساب التليفون 97197123

مهندسين كويتيين
ضمن برنامج العمالة الوطنية لدعم الكويتيين حملة الشهادات الهندسية أن ينضموا إلينا 
يرجى زيارة الموقع التالي لإرسال السيرة الذاتية

أطباء أمراض جلدية
لشركة طبية
ترسل السيرة الذاتية على فاكس رقم : 22490982
علما بأن لن تقبل الطلبات لمن لا يتوفر لديه ترخيص مزاولة المهنة داخل الكويت 
جميع الطلبات تعامل بسرية تامة

أطباء أمراض نساء و ولادة
لشركة طبية
ترسل السيرة الذاتية على فاكس رقم : 22490982
علما بأن لن تقبل الطلبات لمن لا يتوفر لديه ترخيص مزاولة المهنة داخل الكويت 
جميع الطلبات تعامل بسرية تامة

Required to join immediately: Chef Assistant and waiters. Job Package will include a round trip ticket every 2 years and bonus.+96555092926

Reputed Bilingual School kuwait looking for Maths teacher, interested candidates , please email your CV to careers@ajialholding.com

Education: Bachelors in Science/ Bachelors in Maths/Bachelors in Education
Experience: 3+ year as maths teacher
Preferably Male candidate

Required for lady's spa sport trainer

مطلوب لشركة عقارية كبري موظفة تسويق مبيعات ذو خبرة
- راتب + عمولة 
-أقامة قابلة للتحويل
TEL : 50421243 /50718722

مؤسسة كبري تعلن عن حاجتها الي الوظائف التالية
- فني كهرباء سيارات
- فني مكانيكا سيارات
راتب مغري حسب الكفاءة - اقامة قابلة للتحويل
ارسال السيرة الذاتية FAX : 22546846

-مراقب عمال نظافة
- مندوب
-مسؤول مشتريات
-فني مدني ( خبرة بتركيب سيراميك واعمال الصبغ )

Required for lady's spa
Physiotherapy & specialist body massage &receptionist 96594055875

مطلوب مهندس ميكانيك خبرة لاتقل عن 10 سنوات في مجال التكييف ومكافحة الحريق والصحي

مطلوب ـ لشركه مواد غذائيه ومنظفات مروج جمعيات خبره بالمنطقه الرابعة ولديه سياره وتتحمل ضغوط العمل ـ ت: ‌ 60696412

مطلوب موظف للعمل كمساعد مع مصمم أعراس يجيد اللغة الانجليزية وادارة المكتب واعمال الديكور

مطلوب لشركة اتصالات
موظفة بدالة تجيد التعامل مع الكمبيوتر وتجيد الانجليزية 
راتب وعمولة مغرية
FAX: 23839505

مطلوب لمركز أسنان تخصصي 
اطباء حاصلين علي ترخيص مزاولة المهنة داخل الكويت
1- استشاري #001
2 أخصائي #002
3- مسجل #003
ارسال السيرة الذاتية مع ذكر رمز الوظيفة بالموضوع

مطلوب موظفة عربية خبرة في مجال فساتين السهره للعمل في مجمع غايت بالفنطاس

شركة كبري في مجال الحراسة والامن بحاجة الي مشرفات أمن
من الجنسية الكويتية على ان تكون : 
1- حاصلة علي شهادة تربوية او مايعادلها
2- خبرة خمس سنوات في مجال الاشراف
3-ان لايقل عمرها عن 25 سنة ولا يزيد عن 50 سنة
ارسال السيرة الذاتية vacancieskw11@gmail.com

مطلوب موظفة لشركة تجميل سيدات لا يشترط الخبرة الدوام من 10صباحا إلى 6مساء براتب ثابت + عمولة مغرية ـ ت: ‌ 99941407

مطلوب ـ حلاق لصالون بحولى اقامه قابله للتحويل خبره ـ ت: ‌ 66692782 ـ 66632856

مطلوب لمجله اعلانيه مدير تسوق وعلاقات شرط الخبره والكفاءه في نفس المجال الراتب50% من الدخل ـ ت: ‌ 65735599

مطلوب ـ سكرتيره للعمل فى شركه مقاولات شرط تحويل اقامه ـ ت: ‌ 50582225

مطلوب بائعة لشركة ملابس نسائية لا يشترط الخبره ولديهل اقامة قابله للتحويل والاتصال بعد الساعه 2 ظهرا

مطلوب موظفة تسويق دوام مساء فقط في حولي 60048995

مطلوب فورا خادمة فلبينية تقرأ وتكتب لعائلة صغيرة بالفيحاء براتب ممتاز جدا ـ ت: ‌ 99777444

Required urgently indian housemaid reading & writing for small family in faiha salary very excellent ـ ت: ‌ 99777444

ـ ـ مطلوب عامل مخزن الراتب 180 دك يجيد القراءة والكتابه العمل والسكن فى الوفره اقامه قابله للتحويل ارسال الطلبات فاكس رقم 24765192

ـ ـ مطلوب محاسب العمل والسكن فى الوفره خبره سنتان ـرخصه قياده اقامه قابله للتحويل ارسال الطلبات فاكس رقم 24765192

مطلوب لمطعم مؤكولات بحرية شيف خبرة بالمأكولات الكويتية ـ ت: ‌ 90910400

Looking for Accountants with Driving License and minimum 2 years experience. Experience in Real Estate preferred.

Those who applied earlier need not apply again.

PS: We don’t have any other vacancies. Please do not forward irrelevant CVs.

Eligible candidates shall forward their updated CV, copy of Civil ID and Driving License to;


We are looking for 5 labors for our office in Shuwaikh. 

Hardworking person 
Able to work as per schedule
Salary 150 Max 
8 Hrs duty 
Friday off 
3 months probation after we will transfer the residency.

Interested candidates can send their cv to 


or fax 24828073

Compliance Associate - Alghanim Industries

Reporting to the Operations Support Manager in implementing strategic initiative to significantly reduce / minimize areas of risk related to security, stock loss and safety. To focus and advise on "Best Practice" in respect of Loss Prevention opportunities within the business. The job incumbent manages the day-to-day support functions within all stores in Kuwait, UAE and Saudi Arabia.

Key Performance Area 1:

• Provides prompt and professional investigation service to the company in relation to theft, malpractice and fraud. Reports findings to Line Manager / Area Operations Manager/ RLPM • Conducts or directs surveillance of suspects and premises to apprehend culprits • Investigates shrinkage results as required • Managing the administration of in-store training and development initiatives and providing reports to management. • Implementing and ensuring compliance of policies and procedures relating to transactions, cash handling or administration/reporting as directed by the business.

• Investigate all policy violations relating to return/ discounts/ Cash Coupon Handling/ Stock. Weekly analysis and reporting directly to the Operation Support Manager. • Reporting on a weekly basis to the Operation Support Manager and taking appropriate actions and initiatives to drive the compliance agenda forward with weekly, monthly, quarterly re-check & yearly performance reviews. • Reports to and engage in consistent, open and honest communication with the Operation Support Manager. 

Key Performance Area 2: 
Store Loss Prevention / Health & Safety Audit/ Fire Risks 
• Visits stores as required in the area of responsibility to conduct Loss Prevention Audits. • Audits Warehouse / Stores for Health & Safety to ensure best practice. Takes prompt and corrective action in areas of non-compliance. • Ensures fire precautions are in place and that fire evacuation routines are established, rehearsed regularly and that the necessary logs are maintained 

Key Performance Area 3: 
Development & Training of Staff 
• Conducts Loss Prevention Training for Security / Store Management & Staff • Identifies development needs of the security staff and provide relevant training • Assists in the development of Loss Prevention training programs • Assists in the identification of the security staff for succession planning 

Key Performance Area 4: 
Physical Security Assist the RLPM to survey stores, including pre-opening and all company premises to identify and categories risks, levels of risk and actions required 

Key Performance Area 5: 
Product Protection 
• Evaluates options and takes measures to suitably deploy as approved, electronic or other surveillance / security equipment including extra security tags and pins to meet business needs. • Manages/ monitors maintenance program of EAS equipment. 

Key Performance Area 6: Burglary/Crime to Company 
• Investigates crime incidents, leasing with the Police agency’s and external bodies in the area of responsibility. • Implement precautions and makes recommendations

Formal Police or Forces desirable but not essential Experience in retail solutions, including CCTV, EAS & Covert surveillance I.T literate, numerical analytical Good communication skills both verbal and Written

Assistant Manager - Selling Support - Alghanim Industries

Reporting to the Manager Selling Support, the job incumbent manages the day-to-day support functions within all stores in Kuwait, UAE and Saudi Arabia. This includes Systems, Administration, Cashiers and Delivery teams.

1. Management of Home Division Retail Operations Service Catalogue, associated personnel within Admin & CS department to ensure that all necessary service needs are addressed and service value proposition is a competitive offer year-round. 2. Managing the administration of in-store training and development initiatives and providing reports to management. 3. Implementing and ensuring compliance of policies and procedures relating to transactions, cash handling or administration/reporting as directed by the business. 4. Organization of and maintaining minutes / actions from weekly store service meetings. 5. Arranging, conducting and recording all first-day inductions for store service staff. Also acting as a first point of contact for guiding non-store staff on store service tours / arranging visits. Maintaining service Map. 6. Overseeing Delivery Desk scheduling and negotiating with business partners to obtain the required support in resolving escalated issues.
7. Building and managing close relationships with key contacts outside of the store in Market Research, SCM, Warehouse, Call Center and Group Control. 8. Investigating all policy violations relating to return transactions and discounts. Weekly analysis and reporting directly to the Selling Support Manager. 9. Raising the service bar in the Customer Journey and outbound call program by honest timely feedback highlights and engaging with key partners in Right First Time objective. 10. Reporting on a weekly basis to the Selling Support Manager and taking appropriate actions and initiatives to drive the service agenda forward with weekly, monthly, quarterly reality checks & yearly performance reviews.

Visual Design Associate - Alghanim Industries

Reporting to the Visual Merchandising Manager, the Visual Merchandising Design Associate will help to communicate Visual Merchandising communication through illustration and documentation. A flexible, create and commercial approval to retailing is required. An ability to communicate on all level and provide solutions is key to the success of this role.

1. To help to create and develop Visual Merchandising Concepts and create computed based visualizations to communicate the design concepts using current software programs. 2. To help to administer briefs and documentation for Visual Merchandising and Brand manuals for both VM, store and head office teams 3. An awareness of our competitors and understanding of current and emerging trends. 4. Be a team player 5. Follow, communicate and adhere to company standards.
• Arabic and English fluently (English an advantage) • Full understanding of CAD and related software programs • Creative experience in the GCC • A diploma or qualifications in Graphic design and Certificate in Visual Merchandising would be an advantage • 2 years’ experience in either a graphic design field or Visual Merchandising at an Intermediate level is required

Assistant Manager – Store Customer Service - Alghanim Industries

To ensure all customers receive the best possible service both inside the showroom and in their homes. To manage and direct (1) a customer-focused Customer Service team of part time and full time Customer Service Officers (CSO) and (2) a design-focused team of Lead Generation Officer (LGO) selling the Complete Home Solution Integrated Design concept. To achieve all targets including monthly CS target of returns by monitoring cash and credit sales and returns performance daily. To ensure that complaints turnaround is on target and customers are handled in a professional and timely manner at all times. To succession plan and participate proactively in recruitment initiatives to maintain high-performing teams. To uphold store standards (returned stock, staff cover and presentation). To determine customer needs, advise and promote sales and services of Home Division (Safat Home, Safat Kids and Cilek).

1. To manage two teams (CS & LGO) to ensure optimum service level and protect sales in all product categories under Safat Home (Furniture, Decorative & Functional Accessories, Soft Home Furnishing with active interaction with Safat Home Shuwaikh based Total Home Solutions team providing product and design service on additional product categories including Sanitary & Tiles, Kitchens, Windows & Doors, Lifts).
2. To train all CS Officers, Lead Takers and Store Team in best practice skills and standards by championing the Service and Mystery Shop Training.
3. To motivate and empower all team members in line with their job objectives; to follow the correct disciplinary and reward nomination procedures where applicable.
4. Maintain succession plan updated. Manage performance of under achievers & proactively follow performance improvement plans.
5. Monitor and coach the team of CSO & LGO to uphold customer expectations, service standards and compliance of returns & complaints policy. This includes ensuring pending returns are closed on time.
6. Ensure returned products are handled with care, to minimize damage and keep shrinkage costs to a minimum.
7. Develop initiative to be updated on the latest product knowledge and customer service initiatives.
8. Promote an optimistic attitude of teamwork within the Customer Service & Home Solution & Design Teams in support of the service culture. Engage in consistent, open and honest communication with the Store Teams.
9. To maintain outstanding healthy relationships with key business partners in supply chain logistics team and other stores, consistently following the correct communication and escalation channels.
10. Meet and greet customers in the showroom, understand their needs and respond in a way that will transform a potentially negative situation into a pleasant customer experience.
11. Provide discounts as applicable (within assigned level of authority) that will enable customer satisfaction, in keeping with company sales strategy.
12. Maintain cleanliness and store standards of all areas of the showroom.
13. Maintain personal and team’s professional appearance and conduct at all times.
14. Document prospect customer information in the Safat Home CRM system and communicate commercial feedback and business intelligence from customer interactions and personal observations on products, sales and services.
15. Review all daily reports (service & delivery dashboard). Generate weekly/monthly KPI reports covering complaints & returns service and report on active and prospect leads generated in an honest and accurate way. Anticipate and own results of retail execution checklist report. 16. Ensure that all customers, irrespective of status, gender, ethnicity, education or religion are treated equally.

Assistant Manager – Credit / Warranty - Alghanim Industries

Maximize sales, penetration and consistency of Credit and Extended Warranty products across Home Division stores in Kuwait, including Cilek. Both products contribute directly to the bottom line of business performance hence high, consistent performance is essential in meeting business objectives.

• Set policies and procedures for identifying, assessing and maximizing performance • Establish the proper control systems and skills to manage credit/extended warranty output of the team. • Ensure compliance with the company ’ s policies and procedures with regards to Easy Credit, Al Esraa credit & AAA warranty offered. • Review credit files/reports/applications and hand them over to concerned sections for processing. • Review special transactions that require immediate decisions and approval from proper authority. • Ensure all subordinates have a good understanding of the approval process, in order to prepare the necessary files in an accurate and informed manner. • Monitor and ensure that credit facilities are used in accordance with the credit approved terms and conditions
• Identify opportunities to improve credit & extended warranty performance • Active involvement with retail stores & salesman to increase performance mix • Ensure consistency in communication for Credit & Warranty via all mediums to the customers • Conduct staff trainings & workshops
• Fluent spoken Arabic (English an advantage) • Previous ID / creative experience in the GCC • Degree in Business or Finance or equivalent • Minimum 3 year work experience

Situation Vacant

A leading Tires Co in Kuwait; invites application for 

-Tire Fitter
-Alignment Technicians

* Only candidates with transferable visa can apply.
* Multiple vacancies are available for all above positions

Interested applicants can send CV'S along with 2 passport size photograph, passport copy, civil id copy to 

Email :- sarwar.hashmi@auto1.ws
Fax :- 24838140
Mobile:- 97254986

Urgent Job Openings

Applications invited for the below mentioned posts.

1. Restaurant Manager - A reputed restaurant group is looking for a manager to handle the entire activities. Ideal candidate shall have exclusive restaurant experience for not less than 5 years. Attractive Salary offered for the right candidates.

2. Operations Manager - Restaurant operations Manager, should have the same background as above. Attractive salary offered.

3. Sales Representative - Salary KD 400-500/-, should have a bachelor’s degree + Excellent English +car

5. Drivers - Age below 35, 230 KD salary + yearly ticket +Vehicle + Bonus + other benefits.

6. Drivers - Age above 35, 210 KD Salary + Phone allowance 15KD + Accommodation.

7. Admin Officer- (Females Only)- Salary KD-200/- Fluent English and business communication skills.

Please write the position name as subject.
Call - 51163500
please send your CV's to - hr@ruzehn.com 

Required Senior Payroll Officer

A Reputed company need a Senior Payroll Officer

• 5 years minimum of experience in the same field.
• Numeric skills, attention to detail and accuracy
• Experience in payroll, and the use of a computerized payroll system or other relevant database
• Responsible for the preparation of annual leave and end of service
• Personal and people management abilities including supervision, team building and conflict resolution

Candidates who meet the above Qualification can send their CV to accountantneed@yahoo.in

Situation Vacant

Job Description
• University degree in engineering
• Sales / technical experience especially with pumps, valves and related products
• Good knowledge of the oil, gas and power sectors
• Minimum 5 years relevant work experience in Kuwait
• Driving license

Secretarial Assistance (Females only)

A leading Oilfield Company is in urgent need of Secretarial assistance for their Main Office.
Interested Candidates kindly email your updated CV with recent passport photograph to the
Advertiser of this message or alternatively email at parkerkwt_admn@yahoo.com
Candidates (Females only) should be well versed with Microsoft Office, Microsoft Outlook, 
Self-correspondence and other allied office duties. Command on English language both
spoken and written is mandatory. Should be able to work with different nationalities.
Kuwait working experience essential
the above is an IMMEDIATE placement.

Vacancy for the post of executive secretary






Urgently required female secretary who can join immediately - 

1. University graduate (preferably science (Botany) 
2. Command on English language both spoken and written is mandatory
3. Should be well versed with Microsoft Office, 

We are working on a Plant book, so we need somebody who to compile the plants information and who is interested in plants.

Interested candidates please send cv to admin@dblooms.com


SL # Position Description
1 Plumber
2 Electrician
3 Heavy Equipment Mechanics
4 Generator Mechanics
5 Appliance Mechanic
6 HVAC Technicians
7 Welder
8 Locksmith
9 Carpenter
10 Heavy Equipment Operators
11 General Maintenance Worker
12 General Labor
13 Building Tradesman
14 Electronic Equipment Maintenance Technician


Visa Status No. 18 Only. Should obtain No Objection Certificate from the current Sponsor for obtain Military Installation Gate Pass

Attractive Salary and Interested Candidates can contact us:

Green Tower,10th Floor,
Opposite to Gulf Mart, Fahaheel, Kuwait
Tel # 25456667/8

IT Technician Required

We are looking for an IT Hardware Engineer / Technician for our corporate office located in Mina Abdulla. Salary range will be KD 150- KD 175. + Free Food & Accommodation + Vacation Ticket. Interested candidates can contact @ +965- 66671267


Call: 65021945, 94938437, 51285323

Urgently Required

Trading Company looking for.
Web Designer, Driver, Sales Executive with Driving License. Should have Good Knowledge. Minimum One Year Experience. Interested Person Send your CV To.

Vacancy- Elevator Technician

A leading Company in Kuwait requires the following:

1. Elevator Senior Technician
2. Elevator Assistant Technician- Diploma or ITI Holders
3. Drivers (With 18 Article Visa - Salary 150 KD)
4. Call Center Operator- English and Arabic Fluency

Contact: tias1409@gmail.com


MOBILE 65592102 /OFFICE TEL 23921645

Required HVAC Technicians

Urgently required young and hardworking HVAC Technicians. Contact on 55190293.

مطلوب سكرتيرة لشركة عقارية 22613225

مطلوب موظفات استقبال لشركة عقار كبري بحولي لدوامين يشترط
ان تكون لبقة وحسنة المظهر
خبرة لا تقل عن 3 سنوات
اجادة اللغه العربية والانجليزية
اجادة الكمبيوتر
يفضل من الجنسية المصرية

مطلوب منجد أطقم وكنب قص وتفصيل وخياط ستاير دوام كامل أو نص من داخل الكويت مع الخبرة شرط معلم للجادين اي جنسية ـ ت: ‌ 60003830

We St Group has openings for the position of STAFF Nurses for our Oil Sector Client.
Candidate should meet the below criteria
1.B Sc Nurses minimum 5 Years experience in reputed hospitals.
2.GNM Nurses minimum 6 to 7 years work experience in reputed hospitals.
3.For local candidates Kuwait Medical license is must.
4.Current experience / salary certificate should be attached
CV should be in the word format and all other documents in one PDF format.

Kindly note that incomplete documents will not be processed. Complete documents need to send to stgroupkw@gmail.com

Candidates from India, Egypt, Philippines and Indonesia are acceptable.

NB. We will not be responsible for any payment you make in our company name. Also sub agents are excused from submitting resumes in candidates’ name.

A. Rodrigues.
ST Group of Companies.
